Indonesian dancing

Watch this beautiful Indonesian dance.
What do you notice?
What does it make you think?
What does it make you wonder?

Mother Teresa

Watch the video to find out some information about Mother Teresa and her life.

WALT recognise how Mother Teresa showed compassion to the community

WALT recognise ways Mother Teresa honoured Mary

Why the koala has a stumpy tail

Click on the video to view the Aboriginal story 'Why the Koala has a stumpy tail' 

Mermaid Story

Click the video above to listen to the Aboriginal story - Mermaid Story

WALT recognise the features of Aboriginal stories 
WALT retell stories using pictures and words 


Watch the alphablocks video to learn about lots of different ways to spell words with an 'ay' sound.

Fantastic Frogs

Click on the link to watch an interesting documentary about frogs - listen for informaiton on where they live, what they eat, waht they look like and interesting facts!

Blending Bowl

Click on the blender to practise blending 'an' words together