Year 2 WALTs

A snapshot of what are we learning in Year 2!          

WALT (We are learning to…)



  • Explain the purpose of reconciliation and the sacrament of penance
  • Pray for forgiveness (admission of sin, saying sorry, asking Gods help to change and seeking to heal ones loving relationships with God, with others)
  • Participate with respect in a variety of personal and communal prayer experiences including prayers for forgiveness. 

  • Understanding three-digit numbers as comprised of hundreds, tens and ones
  • Investigate what happens when a shape is flipped, slid, and turned with               
    one step movement.
  • Describe outcomes as ‘likely’ or ‘unlikely’ and identify some events as ‘certain’
    or ‘impossible’.
  • Identifying 3D geometric features such as the number of faces, corners or edges
  • Identify the rule in number sequences
  • Identify different ways to make different money values
  • Name and recognise all Australian coins and notes

The Arts- Visual Art and Drama:
  • Use different materials and techniques to design artwork.
  • Create an artwork for a specific audience and purpose.
  • Use voice, facial expression, movement and space to present a piece of poetry.


This term we have a focus on Poetry in English. The children will be learning the text and language features around reading, producing and presenting poems. The following WALTS will be taught using the context of a range of poetry.

    • Read poems and understand images can add meaning to poems
    • Read poem with unfamiliar vocabulary and a large number of High Frequency Words
    • Read poems aloud using punctuation to enhance meaning and expression
    • Use a variety of strategies to present poetry
    • Identify sound patterns in poetry (Alliteration, Rhyme, Onomatopoeia, Repetition)
    • Use topic specific vocabulary when identify features of poetry
    • Explain preferences by comparing and contrasting different poems
    • Spell words with regular spelling patterns
    • Spell words with less common long vowel patterns
    • Self-correct and blend sounds when reading poems

Along with this text focus, the children will also have opportunity to understand and apply these WALTs along with Handwriting, monitoring meaning and identifying main ideas and supporting details in texts, reading with increased fluency and spelling strategies in Literacy Rotations each week. 

Discovery: HASS (History), Science, Design and Technology:

  • Predict outcomes of investigations
  • Identify push and pull items that are all around us
  • Collect, compare and record observations
  • Compare objects (toys) from the past and present
  • Design my toy using a sequence of steps
  • Label the parts needed to make my push pull toy 

Bounce Back: Circle Time:
  • Identify and name personal emotions, and the impact emotions have on their lives.
  • Understand how others are feeling empathy.
  • Year 2 will be on Assembly Prayer Friday 12 May
  • No school on Monday 1 May
  • Ensure your child’s clothing and hats are clearly labelled. We offer multiple reminders for them to put their belongings into their bag to ensure learning time is not missed.
  • We have noticed a number of students presenting with bites from break times. We would like to suggest spraying your child with a natural repellent before coming to school in an effort to prevent them from itching their bodies.


Warm regards


Year 2 Teachers Ms Eyears and Mrs Lyons

Mental Strategies Addition (+) and subtraction (-)

We teach children a range of different ways to add and subtract numbers. We want

them to look for patterns and use them as much as they can. We want them to have

good number sense – an understanding of how and why different ways to add and

subtract work well.


The goal is for them to be able to do it in their head in a way that makes sense to them by the end of Year 2.


To develop number sense, students learn:

Counting on and
counting back
14 + 3 …
start at 14, then count on to 17 ie 15, 16, 17.
12 – 3 …
start at 12 then count back to 9, ie 11, 10, 9.
To bridge to 10
Find the nearest 10
eg 17 + 5; 17 and 3 is 20 and add 2 more
Addition facts to 10
0 + 10, 1 + 9, 2 + 8, 3 + 7, 4 + 6, 5 + 5
1 + 1, 2 + 2, 3 + 3, 4 + 4
Doubles + 1
1 + 2, 2 + 3, 3 + 4, 4 + 5
Splitting numbers into 10s
and ones
62 = 6 tens and 2 ones
Counting in 10s
eg 5, 15, 25, 35, 45 or 2, 12, 22, 32
etc for 58+ 30 start at 58, then think 68, 78, 88
Counting down in 10s
eg 97, 87, 77, 67, 57 for 85 – 40 start at 85,
then think 75, 65, 55, 45
You can add in any order but
not subtract in any order
36 + 45 = 45 + 36 but 76 – 32 32 – 76


This could be helpful in understanding the terminology used in class when encouraging your child to practice and understand mental strategies. Remember they have until the end of Year 2 to perform simple addition and subtraction calculations using a range of strategies. 


Tuesday 25 April - Mass and March

On this day, we will be paying respect to those who made great sacrifices during the many conflicts Australia and New Zealand has been involved in over the years.

We start each year with a Mass and if you would like to attend it will be held at St Patricks in Beenleigh at 9.00 am. If you cant be there for the mass, you can meet us in the church carpark at 10.00am in full school uniform (plus drink bottle).

The march starts at 10.30 am, and parents meet us at the end of the march and collect their children.

The service begins at 11.00 am.