NAIDOC Celebrations

Mother Teresa NAIDOC Day 

The 2017 theme - Our Languages Matter - aims to emphasise and celebrate the unique and special role that Indigenous languages play in cultural identity, linking people to their land and water and in the understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and spirituality through story and song.

NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. 

We have attached a link if you would like to find out more information about NAIDOC Week -

An important reminder that all students are to wear their house colours tomorrow. 

Kind regards

Mrs Lyons and Ms Eyears

Welcome Back to Term 3

Term Three Messages and important dates:

  • A reminder that BANKING is now EVERY Thursday

  • Catholic Education Week 23rd-30th July

  • Monday July 24. Renowned musician Andrew Chin is coming to Mother Teresa and will be working in groups with our children during the day and then presenting a concert for the whole school at 1.30pm. Parents are invited and encouraged to come along and witness this unique event

  • Naidoc Day Monday July 31. As part of our NAIDOC celebrations, we will be having a range of special activities throughout the day.

  • Indonesian Independence Day activities (August 15). This is always a popular day with the                   children and we encourage parents to come along and join in the activities.

  • In Week 8 - Wednesday 30 August, we will be having a Mad Hatter’s day where the children come wearing a Mad Hat, that they have made or already have at home. They will also be taking part in a fun-filled day of activities which will start with a performance by “Perform”. There will be more information regarding this day in following newsletters.

  • Some key P & F dates are:
    • Ormeau Fair – Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th July
    • School Disco – Friday 21st July
    • P & F meeting Tuesday 1st August – School Library
    • Bunnings BBQ Saturday 12th August – Oxenford
    • Fathers Day Stall – Week commencing 28th August
    Hope this helps with forward planning.

    Warm regards

    Mrs Lyons and Ms Eyears