Signs, Signs, Signs everywhere

We are learning about signs. Can you count how many signs you see on the way to school or from school?

Please post your response by Friday 30th October. Thank you for your assistance, from Prep. 


We are learning to find places using maps

In prep we are learning to find places on Google Maps. Tonight your task is to find your house on Google maps and zoom in. How long by car does it take to get to school?

Learning about familiar places and features of places.

This is Hudson's aeroplane construction.

This is Eva drawing a treasure map.

We are cutting out pictures of food for our shopping centre.

We are cutting our flames for our aeroplanes.

We are sharing our learning about maps with our friends.

We are sharing our learning about how we made a hotel . We made a desk, computer, telephone, microwave, bed and a reception desk.

Wipe Out Waste Program

Wipe Out Waste Visit

Wipe Out Waste Gold Coast came out on Monday to teach us all about worms

 and the vital role they play in our environment.