Signs, Signs, Signs everywhere

We are learning about signs. Can you count how many signs you see on the way to school or from school?

Please post your response by Friday 30th October. Thank you for your assistance, from Prep. 



  1. I saw 40 signs on my way to school today.

    From Grace Doherty

  2. We saw 98 signs on our way home from school. From Layla Potter

  3. I counted 105 signs
    Carys Watkinson

  4. Today on the walk home I saw 37 signs ranging from:
    Round about, Give way, Stop, Speed limit, Merge Right, Bus Zone, and loads of street name signs.
    We even saw 1 sign that showed dogs to be on leads at the park.

    From Eva Ling

  5. We saw 98 signs on our way home from school today. Layla Potter

  6. I counted 22 signs on the way to school.

    From Maarten van Baardwyk

  7. 114 was the number of signs We found on our walk home this afternoon (Ella spotted & I counted and kept track) from street, stop, give way, keep left, speed limit signs to bus stops, school zone, children crossings, bus time table signs and bike lane signs. We also spotted business signs on fences and for sale signs. Aswell as neighbor hood watch signs and no junk mail signs. Our finding made for interesting topics of conversations on our walk home.

    From Ella & Jayde Bell

  8. Jacob Low counted 732 signs coming to and from school yesterday!

  9. I counted 38 signs on our way to school.

    From Emily Taylor

  10. Isabelle Roelofs28 October 2015 at 22:59

    Isabelle passed 222 signs on the way home today.
